Invites You To...

The Wellspring 'Soul-Care' Community

For Those Who Want To Awaken To A More Spirited, Guided & Joyful Existence...

Join The Close-Knit Group Of Like-Hearted Souls Seeking Deeper Meaning, Peace, Healing And Joy In Their Lives

By Replenishing Their Soul, Connecting To Their Inner Wisdom And Deepening Their Spiritual Life

... While Forming Life-Long Friendships Along The Way!

Test-Drive The New 'Wellspring' Soul-Care Community For 30 Days, And We'll Grant You ACCESS To 3 Transformational Gifts For FREE...!

Access Your 3 FREE 'Wellspring' Soul-Care Experiences Right Now!

Create Your ProfileEnter Your Login Info
Member CheckoutGet Access to FREE Gifts

Try the Wellspring for 30 Days for Just $7 and Get Your Free Gifts Today!

Then, It's Just $33/mo.

Self-Cancel at Anytime.

What Members Are Saying



Julie Scott

"Everything that I have touched in there or read, whether it's a meditation or a post, absolutely feeds my soul. It's been such a wonderful thing to be a part of. I'm just happy I'm there."

Trey Henderson

"It's unbelievable how much content, whether it's in circle, whether it's the live events... There was a collective energy where, unless you experience it, it's hard to describe because you feel it."

Cathy Highland

"I think the biggest skill that I have learned from working with you, Heather, is the connection to my own inner voice. And if people haven't accessed that yet, this is a place to find it."

Rachel Neilson

"The Wellspring allows you to get that little step further to you... Listening to your voice and connecting to your truth and being your own strength and, in fact, your own wellspring of joy, happiness, and peace."

Martha Nugent

"I'm just loving it so much. So I'm learning a lot of new things. So my experience thus far has been extraordinarily rich, amazing, awe inspiring"

Janet Bender

"I thought I was just going to come in and have some quiet time. I didn't know that it was going to be such growth. Such a sense of community, like I just feel embraced by the Wellspring, and I can't wait to get back in to the next session."

Veronica Giannini

"I'm taken back by how much I have been able to grow in the few months that I have been a member, how I have been able to harness the energetic aspect of shifting myself and how it is permeating into my life and the people around me are also feeling it."

Heather Hemmer

"It's just this beautiful synergy of people showing up exactly where they are who have the same language and need the same thing.

 We're present."

Suzanne Davis

"I think the Wellspring is, and it sounds super cheesy to say this, the Wellspring is unlike anything else that's out there. It's not a heavy commitment that adds to your tasks... It's a break from everything else. It's there for you."

Elaine Yuen

"What I'm getting back right now has way surpassed my expectation. I actually love the daily 22 Minute Sits. When I go back to work, it's like with such clarity and focus. It's actually unlocked one of my spiritual gifts."

Renate Hermes

"For anyone who is thinking about it, who has received information and has doubt, try it out. Just try it out and let the beauty of this community speak for itself."

Sola Lee

"I've been here for three months and I'm amazed. I didn't know I could sit still for 40 minutes to an hour to explore my inner world and it's impacted me so much. It's really unique, and I just love it."

Nicole Tribble

"I come from a very religious background and meditation wasn't something that was encouraged... When I finally got in here, I was like, this is not what I thought it was... It's drawn me closer to God. It doesn't get better than that for me in my growth."

Sally Drake

"It's become a part of my day. It's a great way to incorporate more meditation into your week and time with people that want to grow spiritually. I would highly recommend it for so many reasons."

Cameron Talebi

"I'm actually surprised by all the the amazing content that I've yet to even tap into, and I'm already getting so much from from The Wellspring without even being fully tapped in yet."

Just "Give Us A Try" And We'll Unlock Access To

3 Incredible FREE Gifts Today

Valued at Over $2,991!

🎁 Free Gift #1 ($997 Value)

Yours for FREE Today!

Energetics of Achievement

Become the 2.0 You Who Achieves Your Dreams by Reprogramming Your Subconscious Patterns with the 6 Stage Deep Shift Method™.

Click to Expand Details

🎯 Aspirational Alignment: Set personal goals that are a direct reflection of your deepest desires and truest self

🧠 Thought Restructuring: Gain mastery over your thoughts so you can stay in energetic alignment with your vision

🏛️ Belief-Behavior Synergy: Program empowering beliefs into your subconscious that propel you toward your dreams

🧲 Energetic Alignment: Learn how to stay in the powerful FEELization state ALL day to become a magnet for success

👥 Identity Shifting: Shift into the 2.0 you & unlock the potential of becoming the highest version of you

🎛️ Pattern Reprogramming: Make your shift permanent by reprogramming your patterns of thought, feeling, belief, behavior & energy at the deepest level of your subconscious

🎁 Free Gift #2 ($497 Value)

Yours for FREE Today!

Crafting Your Vision

Reconnect to Your Innermost Desires & Craft a Compelling Identity-Driven Vision for the Next 90 Days That Lights You Up & An Action Plan To Make It A Reality!

Click to Expand Details

👁️ Clarify Your 90 Day Goals: Get crystal clear on what you want to accomplish in the next 90 days.

🚧 Identify Obstacles: Understand what internal & external obstacles you may face & create a plan to overcome them.

🗺️ Create an Action Plan: Develop a clear plan of action to follow to realize your aspirations in 90 days or less.

🥳 Invite Friends & Family: Crafting Your Vision is an excellent program to complete with others. We suggest taking half a day & completing it all at once, so it's a great weekend activity to do with someone who loves to grow & achieve!

🎁 Free Gift #3 ($1,497 Value)

Yours for FREE Today!

1-Year Within

Make This Year a Defining Year of Self-Discovery With This Invaluable Collection of 52 Premium Immersive Discovery Meditation Experiences Led by Heather.

Click to Expand Details

❄️ 52 Unique Immersive Experiences: Receive a completely unique, expertly guided experience, in Heather Hayward's one-of-a-kind Discovery Meditation format, each week. Each experience includes a teaching, followed by an Immersive Journey Meditation, and meditative inquiry to explore the topics at hand while in a meditative state.

Years in the Making: Collecting these experiences into "1-Year Within" has been a 3 year endeavor, and we could not be more excited to share them with you.

🧘 Deepen Your Practice: Whether you are an experience meditator or are completely new to the practice, "1-Year Within" will impact you tremendously & foster a deeper understanding of your values, aspirations & identity.

💡 Get Creatively Inspired: These Discovery Meditations are not meant to "clear the mind", they are meant to get you "thinking clearly". Expect to have huge creative insights & ideas that inspire you to move forward toward your dreams with more calm, clarity & courage.

You May Be Wondering...

Is 'The Wellspring' Right For You?

The Wellspring is a haven for the over-thinkers, over-givers, and over-doers who are OVER it. It's sanctuary, free from dogma or judgment, where you can replenish your soul, find strength & inspiration, and share openly what's on your heart & mind.

⬇️ Do you relate? ⬇️

(Click 🔒 to expand/collapse)

💪 You're the one who is always "fine"

Consumed by a whirlwind of tasks & responsibilities, you feel as though you’ve lost yourself in the shuffle of life.

You’re the strong one who has to guide, create & show up for others, even when you’re struggling on the inside.

You don’t need more therapy, coaching or advice, but you need a regular practice of checking in with your own thoughts, feelings & emotions.

You feel guilty admitting that you live with a general feeling of dissatisfaction, but you’re done numbing how you feel with more work, social media, Netflix, wine nights or other forms of stimulation & distraction.

You know it’s time to finally give back to you, and to commit to the exploration of meaning beneath the superficiality of a life defined by your roles & responsibilities.

You’re ready to reconnect to that part of you that experiences the awe & wonder of simple things.

🤿 You're seeking spiritual depth without dogma

If you’re honest with yourself, you know that the calm, clarity & courage you are seeking can only be found within you.

You know that you need to deepen your spiritual life by cultivating a connection with something greater than yourself, but you don’t know where to start.

You want to cultivate the inner peace that only be found through faith, but the dogma & rigidity of organized religion hasn’t quite done it for you.

You want to explore activities like visualization, prayer, manifestation, mindfulness, and guided meditation, but your friends/family aren’t interested and you’re not into the woo-woo topics enough to join most groups.

💞 You want to connect, share & grow with kindred spirits

You want a place to share what you’re thinking, feeling & realizing, without people trying to fix or advise.

You want to grow with others, to support & be supported through tough transitions & hard decisions, but you don’t need group therapy.

You want to cultivate meaningful connections & true friendships not only online but also in the real world, with people who share your desire to discover more meaning & purpose in their life.

You want a place filled with like-hearted souls where you can be seen, heard, known, and valued… a place to belong.

🧠 You want to cultivate your intuition & inner wisdom

You live under a constant barrage of information, opinions, obligations & external stimulation, constantly influencing what you do, think, feel & believe.

You want discover & remain connected the thoughts, feelings, beliefs & behaviors that reflect your own values to live a more fulfilling & purposeful life.

You want to become a more self-reliant & effective decision-maker, by developing your intuition & accessing the guidance of your own inner wisdom.

You want to experience the inner peace, mental clarity & stress reduction that come from a consistent practice of meditation, journaling & self-reflection.

You want to be creatively inspired, to remain motivated & refreshed in your pursuit of success & happiness, not by another podcast or YouTube video, but by accessing the wellspring of insight waiting to be discovered within you.

🧘 You need a consistent soul-care practice

You have resources to take care of your body (yoga classes, weights, walking, etc.), but no place to go to nurture the needs of your heart & soul.

With everything calling for your attention without, you know it’s time to refocus within & bring balance to your life with a regular practice of inner listening & self-discovery.

You need it to be fun, because soul-care stuff like meditation, journaling, etc. is typically boring & hard to stick to without structure, accountability & others to share with.

You need a digital sanctuary for the soul, that you can turn to when you need to access the peace, clarity & joy that can only be found within you.

Deep down, you believe that true freedom means having the power to act in accordance with guidance of your soul, not the compulsion of habit or obligation, and you’re ready to gain greater access to that Still Small Voice within you, to be guided & directed toward a future that maximizes the potential of both your heart & mind.

Here's the problem

Modern life is increasingly stressful. We are driven to over-think, over-give, over-care & over-deliver just to fulfill our roles & responsibilities. We are so overwhelmed, overstimulated & distracted that we’ve lost touch with our true self.

🔴 You’re the one who is always fine: You’re constantly managing responsibilities and appearing strong, even when you’re struggling inside.

🔴 You’re consumed by responsibility: Your days are filled with tasks and obligations, leaving little time for yourself.

🔴 You waste time in superficiality: Social media, endless learning, and constant stimulation keep you busy but unfulfilled.

🔴 You feel a general sense of dissatisfaction: Despite your efforts, there’s a lingering feeling that something important is missing.

🔴 You lack a place to replenish & rejuvenate: While you have resources to take care of your body & others, there is few places to go to comfortable unwind & give to yourself.

Wellspring Activities & Deliverables

What You'll Get Access To

The Wellspring is a soul-care sanctuary. It's like a summer camp for your spirit, offering a multitude of ways to reconnect to your own inner resources for peace, clarity & inspiration, and a vibrant community of like-hearted souls to share your journey with.

Live Immersive Meditations

Be guided on inspiring Discovery Meditations designed to immerse you in dialogue with your inner wisdom to spark insights. These sessions aren't about "clearing your mind", rather they are about enabling you to "think clearly".

Sharing & Connection

Share what's on your mind & heart in a safe, welcoming community of like-hearted souls without anyone trying to fix or advise you. Form life-long connections & genuine real-world friendships with beautiful people on a shared path of self-discovery.

Challenges & Workshops

Join in regular challenges & workshops to help you develop empowering patters of behavior & belief, and win prizes. Experience a playful approach to soul-care to stay engaged, have fun & foster connection with other members along the way.

Meditative Journaling

Be guided through a process of meditation followed by journaling exercises to connect with & express your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and soul's desires, and develop a regular practice of self-reflection to keep you clear & aligned.

Self-Paced Programs

Experience transformational self-paced online programs created by Hunter Varnum & Heather Hayward. Go through them on your own time or join cohorts of other members to go through them together and share your experiences along the way.

In-Person Meetups

While connections & friendships can be formed online, they are solidified through real world interactions & experiences. Get invited to in-person events & meetups to connect with fellow Wellspringers in real life to create shared memories.

Quality Online Platform

Experience a smooth & well-designed community platform to share posts, live chat, private message, access course content & RSVP for events all in one place. Access via desktop or download the mobile app to engage with others or listen to content on the go.

Premium Meditation Audios

Listen to Immersive Guided Meditation audios unlike anything you've ever experienced before. With professionally mixed audio, Heather's soothing voice & her proprietary style of Immersive Meditation, you'll be transported on valuable inner journeys like no other.

Structure & Accountability

Develop consistency in your soul-care through both structure & accountability. Buddy up with another member or member(s) to develop rituals of renewal, attend events, and engage in programs together to make the journey more fun & valuable.

Hi, I'm Heather Hayward...

I’m an Immersive Experience Leader.

I’ve been leading people within through guided meditation since 1983, a Results Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2003, and I’ve led 1000’s of workshops, classes & retreats over the last decade.

I’ve spent well over 40,000 hours in my private practice working with doctors, lawyers, billionaires, Fortune 500 CEOs, religious leaders, artists, neurodiverse people, children, parents, couples... you name it.

And I’ve trained hundreds of facilitators & Certified dozens of coaches in my proprietary techniques of Immersive Meditation/Coaching over the last 5 years.

So, why am I telling you this?

Because if I’ve learned anything over my career, it’s this…

Connecting to the Still Small Voice within you is the answer.

And until that becomes the focus of your search in life, you will keep coming up empty, no matter how much you do or do not achieve.

And that is what The Wellspring is all about…

Helping you connect to the inexhaustible resource of calm, clarity & courage within you.

And sharing your journey with a like-hearted community of fellow Wellspringers who are dedicated to the cultivation of peace, love & joy through practical spirituality.

I can't wait to see you on the inside :)

And until then...

You are loved. 💖


Is The Wellspring Right For Me?

✅ Who Is This For?

The Coach: Practicing or aspiring coaches who are tired of all the business trainings & masterminds... Who are ready to find the clarity & confidence to help more people by furthering their own journey of personal growth.

The Therapist: Mental health professionals with compassion fatigue who need a place to be seen & heard... Those seeking a place to clear their own energy & increase their emotional flexibility by tapping into their own inner resources.

The Caregiver: Nurses, moms & those tending to loved ones who are struggling with all the caring, giving & doing for others... Those who need a place where their needs are met, where they can recharge their spirit to continue the important work they have to do without burning out.

The Practitioner: Body workers, energy healers & other healing arts practitioners who are steeped in the energy of others who need a place to rest & reset their own mind, body & spirit... Those who want to connect with others who share their passion for helping others.

🛑 Who Is This NOT For?

Therapy Seekers: This is not for those in need therapy or emotional healing. While you may find healing here, that is not the purpose of this community. This is for those who have done all the therapy, are emotionally healthy & are ready for something more.

Advice Seekers: In The Wellspring, we do not seek to fix or offer unsolicited advice. Members share & listen, but they do not coach or guide one another. Of course, questions are welcome, but if you're looking for free coaching or therapy, this is not for you.

Business Trainers: This is not a business development community. If you're looking for business coaching or to provide consulting to others in this community, this is not for you.

The Taker: This community thrives off of our members open willingness to share, listen & contribute. If you are the type to take without giving or do not find value in listening & connecting to others, this community is not for you.

Looking for Answers?

Frequently Asked Questions

I've tried meditation and self-help methods before. How is Immersive Meditation different?

Heather Hayward's unique Immersive Meditation approach blends meditation's introspective power with coaching's targeted inquiry and hypnotherapy's access to the subconscious. This method bypasses the conscious mind's resistance, allowing for profound self-discovery and lasting change.

What if I can't make the live events? Are there recordings?

Yes! Most live sessions are recorded and made available to members to ensure that you can participate in the experiences even if there are conflicts with your schedule.

However, we do turn off the recording during the sharing portion of the live events to create a safe environment for vulnerable sharing & connection between members.

I'm new to meditation. Will I still find value in joining The Wellspring?

Absolutely! The Wellspring caters to all levels of meditation experience. Our guided sessions and supportive community offer a nurturing environment for everyone to learn and grow at their own pace. You'll find value, whether you're a seasoned meditator or just beginning your journey.

How much time do I need to dedicate to The Wellspring activities?

The Wellspring is designed to fit into your life, not the other way around. While we offer a full schedule of live sessions and activities, participation is flexible. Many members find significant insights and transformations with just a few hours a week. It's about quality, not quantity.

Can I participate from anywhere in the world?

Yes! The Wellspring is an online community, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Our global membership enriches our community with diverse perspectives, making your experience even more valuable.

What if I'm not satisfied with my membership?

This is highly unlikely. just wait until you experience The Energetics of Achievement or a Discovery Meditation, and you'll see what I mean...

With that said, if you are not 100% satisfied...

Then, you can easily self-cancel your membership inside your account, just by clicking a few buttons. You don't need to email anyone or anything annoying like that.

What is the refund policy?

Because there are no long-term commitments or contracts, all payments are non-refundable. However, we've made it easy to self-cancel your membership at any time right inside your account, no questions asked.

Is The Wellspring right for me?

If you're someone who guides, cares for or inspires others who is seeking a deeper connection with your inner self, wishes to explore your spirituality, replenish your soul, & grow, and wants to connect & be supported by a community of like-hearted individuals, The Wellspring is likely a perfect fit for you.

Here's What You'll Experience Each Month:


1) LIVE Immersive Meditation Experiences:

Bi-Monthly Discovery Meditations w/ Heather Hayward on Saturday Mornings

Heather's Discovery Meditations are crafted to enhance clarity, source answers from your subconscious & explore your inner world

✅ Tap into your internal guidance system to foster self-reliance by cultivating your intuitive decision-making ability

✅ Connect with your “Still Small Voice” to self-source the creative insights you need to be inspired & motivated

✅ Experience the peace & clarity that comes with dedication to a regular practice of guided self-discovery

These sessions are not about reaching enlightenment or “clearing your mind”...

This is about you being able to “think clearly”, so you can make decisions and take inspired action in alignment with your highest potential.

2) LIVE 22 Minute Collective Sit:

A Silent Space to Meditate, Contemplate and Integrate

Develop a regular practice of meditation to reduce stress, cultivate inner peace & catalyze mental clarity

✅ Sit in silent meditation, contemplation or prayer with the presence & support of your fellow members.

✅ Calm your nervous system, reduce your stress & catalyze clear thinking to start each day with a peaceful focus

✅ Experience the benefits of regular immersion in the collective consciousness of like-hearted people.

✅ Develop consistency in your own practice & become more connected to the gift in each moment.

When we first launched these events, we had no idea if people would be interested, but these 22 Minute Sits have surprisingly become one of our community's favorite events.

Just watch a few of the our member experience case studies & you'll see a common theme: There is something magical about coming together in this way.

3) LIVE Meditative Journaling Sessions:

Create a Morning Journaling Practice with Heather Hayward as Your Guide

Establish a consistent bi-weekly morning routine that sets a positive tone for the day & nurtures self-reflection

✅ Unlock the power of written expression to clarify thoughts, emotions, and intentions.

✅ Benefit from Momentary Meditations to enhance the depth and effectiveness of your journaling experience.

✅ Foster personal growth and emotional resilience by documenting and observing your evolving inner landscape.

Treat these sessions like your personal sanctuary to cultivate insight through the discipline of meditative journaling with Heather & special guests.

4) LIVE Creative Synergy Circles:

Leverage the 3 “V’s” to Verbalize, Vitalize, Visualize Your Aspirations Into Reality

Experience the magnified impact of aligning your words, feelings & imagination to create emotional resonance with a future of your soul’s design.

✅ Engage in the dynamic process of visualizing your goals, articulating them clearly, and energizing your aspirations to bring them into reality.

✅ Participate in a supportive environment that not only embraces your vision but also contributes to its manifestation through communal energy.

✅ Harness The Group's Collective Energy and HeartMath Coherence to Amplify Your Intentions And Step Into the Feeling of Your “Wish Fulfilled”

As a Certified HeartMath leader and trainer, Heather brings you through a proven process to create heart-brain coherence to elevate your individual vibration while harnessing the collective energy of the group to bring you into the feeling of your heart’s desire.

5) LIVE  “Tea Time” Social Events:

Connect, Share & Meet Like-Hearted People on a Similar Journey as Your Own

Engage in enriching dialogues & forge meaningful relationships in a space of mutual understanding & sharing

✅ Build a network of peers committed to personal growth, offering encouragement and inspiration.

✅ Discover new perspectives and gain clarity on your journey as you listen to and learn from the stories of others.

✅ Participate in a supportive environment where sharing experiences and insights is encouraged and celebrated.

Leave each community event feeling uplifted, with a sense of belonging and deeper connection!

6) “Theme of the Week”:

Carefully Crafted Content on Personal Growth & Spirituality with Writing Prompts Designed for Self-Reflection

Explore your inner world through weekly insights & introspective exercises that challenge you to grow

✅ Dive deeper into your thought-life with introspective journaling, meditation prompts and sharing opportunities based on writings from the world’s most influential minds

✅ Share your insights with a community of like-minded individuals, finding support and learning from shared journeys of self-discovery.

✅ Transmute your insights into practical actions, integrating our weekly themes into your daily life to unlock your full potential.

Explore your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with carefully crafted writings & prompts that encourage you to pause and reflect. Our Weekly Themes are designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom and unlock a new paradigm for living in our modern world.

7) Exclusive Community Platform:

Foster Life-Long Connections & Build True Friendships

Join A Fun, Engaged Community To Come Together, Laugh, And Grow Alongside Like-Hearted Individuals On A Shared Journey

✅ Become part of a unique, private community exclusively for members seeking to forge deep, meaningful relationships away from the noise of mainstream social media.

✅ Create & nurture life-long connections.

✅ Benefit from a secure space that prioritizes privacy and respects the sanctity of your personal journey and connections.

Become part of a dedicated network that values long-term relationships, where every member contributes to the collective wisdom and evolution.

Plus, these FREE GIFTS for

Founding 333 Members


10) BONUS #1: Energetics of Achievement

Become the 2.0 You Who Achieves Your Dreams by Reprogramming Your Patterns with Heather's The Deep Shift Method™

Shift Into The Highest Version of You & Transform Through The Proven 6 Stages of The Deep Shift Method™

① Aspirational Alignment: Set personal goals that are a direct reflection of your deepest desires and truest self

Thought Restructuring: Gain mastery over your thoughts so you can stay in energetic alignment with your vision

③ Belief-Behavior Synergy: Program empowering beliefs into your subconscious that propel you toward your dreams

④ Energetic Alignment: Learn how to stay in the powerful FEELization state ALL day to become a magnet for success

⑤ Identity Shifting: Shift into the 2.0 you & unlock the potential of becoming the highest version of you

⑥ Pattern Reprogramming: Make your shift permanent by reprogramming your patterns of thought, feeling, belief, behavior & energy at the deepest level of your subconscious

9) BONUS #2: Crafting Your Vision

Immersive Meditation Workshop to Get Clarity On Your Path For The Next 90 Days

Reconnect to Your Innermost Desires & Craft a Compelling Identity Driven Vision for the Next 90 Days That Lights You Up

✅ Convert your dreams into actionable goals, ensuring that your vision for the future is both ambitious and attainable.

✅ Gain access to strategic coaching videos w/ Heather that help you identify obstacles and opportunities, allowing for a proactive approach to goal achievement.

✅ Connect to your inner compass to uncover your truest aspirations from the depths of your subconscious mind.

Leave the workshop with a personalized 90-day action plan that aligns with your most valued goals, ready to be implemented for transformative results.

8) BONUS #3: 1 Year Within

52 Immersive Meditations Delivered Weekly to to Develop & Elevate Your Practice Everyday

Make This Year a Defining Year of Self-Discovery & Growth with This Invaluable Collection of 52 Premium Immersive Experience Meditations

✅ Build a strong foundation with a variety of Immersive Meditations designed to suit your evolving needs and interests throughout the year.

✅ Conveniently access your weekly meditation directly from our platform or mobile device, allowing for easy integration into your personal schedule and lifestyle.

✅ Progress through a thoughtfully structured journey that gradually deepens your practice, promoting sustained growth and self-awareness.

Experience a diverse range of immersive meditation themes and techniques, ensuring a comprehensive approach to developing inner peace, focus, clarity and resilience.

What You'll Get Each Month:



The Wellspring

An Invitation to A Life With An Enriched Spiritual Dimension

  1. LIVE Bi-Monthly Immersive Meditation Experiences with Heather on Saturday Mornings

  2. LIVE 22 Minute Collective Sit to Meditate, Contemplate and Integrate

  3. LIVE Meditative Journaling Sessions for deep reflection with Heather Hayward as Your Guide

  1. LIVE Creative Synergy Circles to Verbalize, Vitalize, Visualize Your Aspirations Into Reality

  2. LIVE “Tea Time” Social Events

    to Connect & Share w/ Like-Hearted People

  3. “Theme of the Week” to Explore Your Inner World Through Curated Content & Introspective Prompts

  4. Private Community Forum for Fostering Life-long Connections

Plus these special BONUSES,
(Founding Members ONLY):

  1. BONUS #1: Energetics of Achievement: Unlock Your Inner Achiever with Heather Hayward's proprietary Deep Shift Method™️

  2. BONUS #2: Crafting Your Vision: Immersive Meditation Workshop to Get Clarity On Your Path For The Next 90 Days

  3. BONUS #3: 1 Year Within: 52 Immersive Meditations Delivered to Your Inbox Weekly to Help Develop & Elevate Your Practice Everyday

Total Value:

Over $3,500

But You Can Start Today For Just $7!

Total Monthly Value:


Regular Monthly Price:


Founding 333 Member's

Special Monthly Price Just...


***For Only The First 333 Members***


Hear from Heather's Clients

Experiences of Heather's private clients who have gone through her Deep Shift Method™


“It's as simple as this: Heather breaks up what's stuck, so that you can immediately see the horizon and move forward. The light turns on, your heart opens, and your brain starts to make connections it had never made before. I am a better leader and communicator - with a deep sense of happiness - as a result of my work with her.”


“Heather helped me understand that I could assert control over my thoughts, and how those thoughts affect me. I now have the tools to present myself with greater confidence & dynamism.”


“I’ve worked with Heather Hayward since 2005, in so many different capacities. Personally, she has helped me focus at a completely different level. She gave me the tools to not have to react & my life became much calmer & more purposeful. Her work is really transformational, on many, many levels.”



“I first met Heather December of 2017 ... For the past several months, I’ve had the great fortune of attending her meditations twice a week. During these sessions, I often find myself in deep contemplation … that can yield significant insight and clarity … It has become apparent to me that her unique guided meditations transcend all possible categorization, skill levels and spiritual familiarity boundaries. There are no age range, gender, color, political affiliation or meditation experience norms … Heather speaks in a language that is crystal clear and highly resonant regardless of where you started your journey ... A one-hour meditation led by Heather Hayward is quite literally one of the most meaningful ways to spend an hour that I’ve experienced in almost 47 years of life...”


“Heather Hayward is a gifted and insightful healer. She is caring, compassionate and loving, yet firm and professional in her approach toward emotional or situational problems. Her guided meditation technique is gentle yet profound in its results. I always looked forward to seeing her and felt very helped after every session. She is like a calming oasis in the storm.”


“After a year of working with Heather Hayward, I now have a foolproof strategy for every occasion: do whatever Heather says. She has taught me how to process every situation and emotion known to man, and a few that aren’t, in a manner counter to the one I was using before: cope, blow up, break down, rinse, repeat. The main thing I have to contend with now is how to live without constant stress and anxiety. No surprise, she has a strategy for that, too.”


“When I first went to Heather for coaching, I was lost and couldn’t find passion or focus in my life. I knew that I wanted to be my own boss and that I was tired of helping other people build their businesses instead of building my own. Heather helped me to hone in on my passions, figure out the things I love and gave me direction as to how to begin my own business doing those things. Her guidance and expertise have helped me to create a successful and thriving Healthy Foods personal chef business in just a year’s time. I continue to work with Heather as my business grows. She keeps me on track with my goals and constantly gives me new and fresh ideas for marketing my business to help keep it successful and profitable. Heather is a Godsend!!!”


“I used to be a waiter/bartender for 17 years of my life… I then began a new career for myself and was faced with some challenges. I had the good fortune of working with Heather as my coach thru a career transition… and the process, as well as the results were, and are, incredible. In order to break-thru some personal barriers of mine, I brought to our sessions the most intimate details of myself, and found that Heather listened to me without a personal agenda. Not once, did I ever feel judged. Her coaching was honest, firm, and delivered with deep insight, understanding and best of all… humor. I can’t believe it, but Heather actually helped me find humor in the issues I once thought scary and embarrassing. The environment she has created is safe and supportive. As for results, since working with Heather my income has increased by over $20,000 a month, and I am living the life I used to imagine. I HIGHLY recommend working with Heather to support you in breaking thru any barrier you may have, and living the life you really want. Simply put, Heather is AMAZING!”


“I needed a coach who understood writers, but got much more. Since I’ve been working with Heather, my writing and focus has improved, but that’s only the beginning. Heather is a miracle worker! Coaching works for me because I need set goals to achieve, and I need to be accountable to somebody for those goals. I have ADD and I need to be kept on track. Heather keeps me focused better than my Adderall ever did.”


“Within eight weeks of working with Heather, I began to regain clarity in my life, balance, self value, love and respect, inner strength and direction of purpose. She has an uncanny ability to pin point and reflect back to me what was there within me, be it ugly or beautiful. Heather’s humor and down-to-earth personality is refreshing and is what puts me at ease. More so than anything, I value the ability to completely trust her to come into my shadow world, dance with me and bring light to it all.”


“It is with great and eternal gratitude that I whole-heartedly recommend Heather Hayward. After suffering several years of excruciating stagnation, in my first session under Heather’s wise and wonderful expertise I was immediately relieved of counter-productive guilt and shame, and empowered to quickly and easily finish what I had not been able to even begin. I now enjoy the process of creating my life, knowing who I am, what I really want and why. Today, I own a successful business, make more money in a day than I did in a week, work my own hours and truly and deeply experience joy in my life in every way. Today, I look forward to a fantastic future all thanks to Heather.”


What is Immersive Meditation?

Immersive Meditation is an outcome-oriented form of guided meditation, created by Heather Hayward, designed to spark insights & catalyze creating thinking. The goal of Immersive Meditation is to facilitate moments of deep contemplation - leading to realizations that create lasting transformational change.


Gain Unwavering Clarity & Uncover Your True Path

Through Immersive Meditation, you’ll be guided into a state of deep introspection beyond the limitations of your current habits, patterns and beliefs. This will allow you unearth your core values and passions, so you can align your goals with your innermost desires.


Dissolve Subconscious Resistance & Cultivate Confidence

Creating Subconscious Synergy™ is a pivotal component of Immersive Meditation that harmonizes subconscious beliefs with conscious goals. This alignment is crucial for overcoming decision paralysis and setting a course for success that feels authentic and compelling.


Become an Empowered Decision-Maker in Your Life

By reconnecting with your inner wisdom, you’ll be able to make authentic, value-aligned decisions, fostering a life of genuine fulfillment. Also as part of this process you'll identify and transform negative self-talk into empowering narratives, fostering a positive self-view.


Create an Action Plan You Can be Excited About

Within 90 days, you’ll emerge with a crystal-clear, personalized action plan, pivoting from confusion to a well-defined trajectory toward your dreams and aspirations. You'll address the root of procrastination by confronting and overcoming the fears that lead to avoidance behaviors. And as you Craft Your Future Self™, you'll be infused with authentic motivation to cultivate a proactive approach to your tasks.


Drive Lasting Impact & Serve at the Highest Level

Immersive Meditation™ cultivates self-generated realizations, leading to profound and enduring change, ensuring that the clarity and direction you receive is not fleeting but foundational to continual growth, leading to your ability to step into your full contribution.

"Immersive Meditation is not just a tool but a catalyst for enduring change, propelling you towards a future where your outer life harmonizes with your deepest sense of self.

This is why we created The Wellspring, so people like you could step out of the daily grind and step into a sanctuary that honors authenticity, meaning and joy. See you on the inside!"

- Heather Hayward

Here's Everything You'll Receive Every Month:

Inspiring Stories from Crafting Your Vision:

A BONUS Program to Get Clarity On Your Path For The Next 90 Days

(INCLUDED in Your Membership as a Founding Member)

Pravani Pillay

Crafting Your Vision

"I love Crafting Your Vision and had the opportunity to go through the program a few times...

More recently when I had been feeling extremely overwhelmed by everything that was demanding my time, attention and focus.

I highly recommend this program to anyone ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

You are expertly guided by the incredible Heather. And unlike other programs I have tried, Crafting Your Vision's unique approach goes beyond mere goal planning and action steps, instead focusing on creating an identity-driven vision that aligns deeply with one's core values, dreams, desires and personal aspirations.

One of the standout features of this program is the incorporation of fun writing exercises and powerful inner journey meditations that help create an identity driven vision of what you want to achieve for the next 90 days.

These powerful techniques guided me to connect with my inner self and encouraged me to create my own unique vision. I was able to gain clarity on where to place my attention and focus in the next 90 days in order to achieve my goals in a way that aligned with my defining values and felt authentic.

I became aware of the habits and barriers that could get in the way of my progress and the mindset shifts required to move past these. I was able to establish a foundation for my goals based on what I truly value, that was achievable and felt fulfilling and meaningful.

Heather helped me create the foundation to support my identity driven vision based on values that felt important to me at this stage of my life. With deep introspection and connecting to the still small voice, I was able to get to know myself better and who I needed to be in order to achieve my goals.

Crafting Your Vision takes a holistic approach to personal growth and self-discovery. It not only focuses on the tangible outcomes we wish to achieve but also on the inner transformation required to create an aligned vision that feels authentic and meaningful.

In comparison to other goal-setting/achievement programs I have tried, Crafting Your Vision stands out to me due to its emphasis on identity-driven visioning and personal authenticity.

Additionally, the integration of fun visioning exercises and inner journey meditations allowed me to feel motivated and a sense of purpose throughout the process and I believe sets it apart from traditional programs that may rely on strategic planning and action steps!"

James Hayes

Crafting Your Vision

"One of the best things about this program is how it helped me develop my own practice...

Prior to the program I was not a daily meditator. I simply didn’t have the time to do 20+ minute meditations every day. But what I found is that I very easily could do 5 -10 minutes, and that is more than enough to develop consistency in your own practice.

This program also keeps you focused on your goal by guiding you to intentionally check in with your vision 2 times a day with a low time demand. Sometimes (for me at least), while building our dreams we lose ourselves in the “and what else” and we lose sight of our primary goal(s).

With Craft your vision, every day, you are coming right back to your focus.

Every day, in a way that really integrates into your day. I also believe the best programs teach you how to move forward without the training wheels.

Craft your vision developed the skills for me to bring this application back to any goal I have. With intentional focus, you will gain clarity. You will gain traction. And you will find yourself living in your vision."

Jen Liesener

Crafting Your Vision

"This process was immersive and provided a multifaceted approach to goal setting...

It was able to help me be realistic about my time and narrow down my focus to what was most important and why, which strengthened my commitment.

It also helped me to get really honest with myself about my patterns - what had gotten in the way of success in the past - and pre-plan for it.

By the end of the program, I was equipped with a clear focus and the tools I needed to accomplish my goals."

Mariela Torres

Crafting Your Vision

"I was able to get really quiet and clear on what I wanted to focus on for the next 3 months...

What I enjoyed most about this program is that it takes goal setting which can be overwhelming and breaks it down to goal setting for a specific set of time.

It’s not having to think about the entire year. I spent the entire day getting intentional, going within to find my answers, and emerging with a clear focus on what I wanted to accomplish on the next 3 months.

I was able to finally review for and pass my final health and wellness coaching certification exam. I did the morning and evening meditations, along with my index card to remain focused.

I believe the repetition of keeping my goals top of mind through the mini meditations and going back over my writing from the workshop helped me to stay on course.

I haven’t really done anything quite like this program in the past."

Diana Lang

Crafting Your Vision

"I received the confidence that I was desperately looking for...

With the clarity, support and guidance that was gifted to me through Crafting Your Vision, I am now able to access parts of myself that I haven’t quite been able to embody up until this point.

I’m able to adjust into bigger parts of myself that I have only dreamed of before.

This program differs from other programs for me in the sense of the framework, structure, and what is expected of me all help me access a depth within myself for lasting changes.

I was reintroduced to my still small voice and am able to solidify that relationship more and more."

Judy Jellison

Crafting Your Vision

"I am so happy to be able to share what Craft Your Vision did for me. There is probably not room enough to share everything. It is so amazing!

Through CYV, I was made more aware that I had everything within me, NOW, to move forward. I was truly able to understand the importance of doing something every single day in order to craft and execute my vision.

Because of this and many other gifts that CYV gave me, I was able to complete my vision, which was giving three group journey sessions on zoom within the next 90 days (this would have been completely out of my comfort zone in my past). I was able to complete one each month, and with that, I saw what I was truly capable of.

My confidence has continued to blossom since then. I have been involved in self growth, achievement, and goal oriented programs for many years. This is so different in its execution in the way it is presented to us, and the tools and guidance it gives.

It was my DIVINE guidance … that is within me that was showing me the way, not my ego that was filtered with fears, doubts, and expectations from myself and others. It gave me a clear path to the goals that were hiding inside me."

Jennifer Sack

Crafting Your Vision

"I enjoyed every bit of the Crafting Your Vision program!

The clarity I gained via thorough contemplation and discovery of my habits, desires and values allowed me to zero in and plan an invigorating & focused path forward.

I am no stranger to goal setting, but this added so much intentional energy & alignment by diving deeper into my truest motivations and revealing the ‘why’…why is this important?

The connection to my ‘why’ empowered my whole vision."

Pamela Biasca Losada

Crafting Your Vision

"I did Crafting Your Vision in July during one day. I was able to get crystal clear on what I wanted to accomplish in the following 90 days, things that were important to me but also in alignment with my bigger vision, while filtering out what wasn't a priority.

Additionally, I developed a clear roadmap regarding the commitment to follow through with the actions to achieve the goals I set for myself.

Crafting Your Vision gave me a deeper and more meaningful level of clarity and the necessary tools that made all the difference in staying on course during the 90 days and achieve what I planned."

Lisa Cary

Crafting Your Vision

"Crafting Your Vision was a unique process that really helped me distill down to its essence what I love and am passionate about doing. It gave me a clarity of focus and a clear path forward to taking action steps for the next 90 days.

What was also extremely valuable was to have an awareness of what stands in my way and to know what to do when I default to getting distracted or procrastinate.

This program is essential for anyone who wants to become unstuck and move forward toward actualizing their dreams. When I look back at my notes having done this almost 10 months ago I see that all the groundwork I laid doing this program has now come into full fruition."

Personal letter from

Heather Hayward...

Dear fellow meditator,

I'm truly honored that you're considering embarking on this transformative journey with us. Whether you're driven by a deep passion for guiding others towards inner peace or you're looking to enhance your existing coaching toolkit, you're in the right place.

Over the years, I've been privileged to guide countless individuals into profound states of meditation, helping them connect deeply with their inner selves. Over two decades I trained and became certified in over 17 different modalities, including Hypnotherapy, NLP, HeartMath, Guided Imagery & Visualization and Results Coaching, to name just a few. This journey led me to create the Immersive Meditation Method, a unique approach that doesn't just guide but immerses individuals into a transformative experience. It's not just about meditating; it's about facilitating change, growth, and profound self-awareness.

Recognizing the immense potential of this method and the difference it can make in people's lives, I founded the Immersive Leadership Academy with my son Hunter. While our teachings are accessible globally through our online platform, we also cherish the moments we get to interact with our students during our live sessions. Our academy is more than just a training ground; it's a community of like-minded souls dedicated to making a difference.

I invite you to explore the proven Immersive Leadership Academy pathway to becoming a prosperous meditation coach. And if you find yourself with questions or need guidance in making a decision, please reach out to our dedicated team.

I genuinely hope our paths cross person to person, and together, we can further the mission of bringing Immersive Meditation to the world.



Heather Hayward


Got Questions? We've Got Answers.

Earning your certification is a monumental achievement, but it's merely the starting point, especially if you're stepping into the transformative realm of Immersive Meditation Coaching.

“What can I do with Immersive Meditation?”

Immersive Meditation is a comprehensive system for profound client transformations in a variety of settings. Great for one-on-one coaching or therapy sessions, it also scales beautifully for groups, workshops, and retreats. Instead of piecing together techniques, this method offers a holistic approach, ensuring deeper connections and transformative outcomes. It's not just a tool—it's a complete blueprint for facilitating lasting change in diverse settings.

"How is Immersive Meditation different or more effective than other modalities like hypnotherapy, reiki, energy work, or traditional coaching?"

Immersive Meditation is a revolutionary approach that combines the best elements of strategic coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, guided imagery, and more. Unlike other modalities, it addresses both the conscious and subconscious roadblocks to change, ensuring deeper, more lasting transformation. It's not just about guiding someone; it's about catalyzing profound change.

"I have no prior experience in coaching or therapy. Can I really master this method and make it a career?"

Our program is designed for both beginners and seasoned professionals. With our step-by-step training, you'll master the art of Immersive Meditation. Many of our students, from various backgrounds, have successfully transitioned into this fulfilling career, proving that passion and commitment are more crucial than prior experience. Our whole team is dedicated to ensuring you create a thriving business doing what you feel called to do. 

"I'm already busy. How much time will I need to dedicate to learn and implement Immersive Meditation?"

We understand that time is precious. Our program is structured to provide maximum value in the shortest time possible. While mastering any skill requires dedication, our method is streamlined and efficient, ensuring you get the most out of every minute you invest. That being said, you have life-time access to the material and you can study at your own pace. We’re with you every step of the way.

"The program sounds great, but can I afford it? What if I invest and don't see a return?"

Think of this not as a cost, but as an investment in a transformative skill that can yield a life-changing income. With our guidance, many of our students have quickly recouped their investment and more. If you have financial questions, one of our highly trained enrollment advisors will be happy to assist you. Our goal is for you to make a life-changing income helping people with Immersive Coaching.

"There are already so many coaches and therapists out there. Is there really a demand for this?"

While there are many coaches and therapists, few possess the unique skills of Immersive Meditation. This method sets you apart, allowing you to tap into a niche that's in high demand. Your services won't just be another option; they'll be a sought-after solution.

"I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to handle the online aspects of the business, like running ads or setting up a website?"

We've got you covered! Our program includes comprehensive training on all the tech aspects you'll need. Plus, we offer pre-built marketing tools and resources. Even if you're not tech-savvy, our team is here to guide you on every platform.

"Who are Heather and Hunter? Can I trust their expertise and the effectiveness of their method?"

Heather and Hunter bring decades of combined experience. Heather, with over 40 years in the field, has transformed her practice using Immersive Meditation, and together they've helped hundreds achieve similar success. Their track record speaks volumes about their expertise and the effectiveness of their method. Your success and confidence as a facilitator is their number one priority.

"I'm not sure if I'm the right fit for this. What if I'm not 'empathic' enough or don't have the right personality for this kind of work?"

Immersive Meditation is about guiding individuals to their own inner truths. It doesn't require you to fit a mold; it requires authenticity. If you have a genuine desire to help others, this method can amplify your impact, regardless of your personality type.

"What happens after I complete the program? Will I receive ongoing support or be left to figure things out on my own?"

Our commitment to you doesn't end when the program does. We provide ongoing support for two years, ensuring you're equipped to handle the evolving challenges of your practice. Our community of practitioners is also a valuable resource, offering peer support and opportunities for collaboration.

Hunter Varnum

Cofounder of The Guided Meditation Framework

“We’re not just teaching mediation… We’re teaching a complete system for working with clients in a way that fosters profound transformational outcomes.

Immersive Mediation Coaching is a methodology that sets the foundation for our students to thrive and prosper as entrepreneurial empaths.

In a world of incessant chaos and digital distraction, we need more empaths leading the way with mediation. 

Immersive meditation gives our coaches the ability to access the still small voice within their clients, and give them the clarity and courage to move forward with purpose. This creates a ripple effect that will change the world.”


The Immersive Meditation Advantage

An increasing number of people are seeking meditation as a path to discover inner peace and serenity. Immersive Meditation goes beyond, offering a distinct alternative to traditional dialogue-based coaching, counseling, or hypnotherapy.

How Is Immersive Meditation Different?

Immersive Meditation marks the evolution of coaching, diving deeper than traditional methods to catalyze transformation from the inside-out. While conventional therapies often graze the surface, Immersive Meditation delves into the subconscious, blending the potency of hypnotherapy with profound meditative states. 

This forward-focused modality not only empowers clients to source their own insights but seamlessly integrates with other therapeutic techniques, offering a versatile and transformative approach that stands unparalleled in its depth and efficacy.

Mastering Immersive Meditation unlocks your potential to profoundly impact lives, making a meaningful difference in the world while achieving financial freedom.

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"Active imagination is to be understood as a way or method, to heal, raise and transform the personality."

- Carl Jung,
ETH Lecture